Show up & be brave

Show up & be brave

As I sit here, as a first-time-blog-post-writer, I cannot help but feel this bubbling on the inside. A type of bubbling that I know will spring forth a new joy, love, compassion and creativity. To start a website for my business has always been a dream of mine. One of those dreams that I knew would come to pass, I just wasn’t sure when it would happen.

If I think about this journey so far, there has been so many intricate details, that have formed part of the whole vision. I will share more details on this in another post to follow. But I do want to say one thing…being brave is not a stationary place where you will one day find yourself and live in that moment of being. Being brave is a daily walk, knowing that in every circumstance or situation you are going to do the right thing and stand up and fight for what you believe in, even if it does not match the opinions of others. Being brave does not mean that you live fearlessly and take irresponsible risks. But…it does mean that you will face every day with joy and a full heart, as the Creator, our Saviour, the only and only King will be with you wherever you go.

This website is obviously created for selling my products online, but I also want to aim at building a community of fierce, strong and brave people, as we stand together during these times where the enemy is trying to hold people down and bind them in depression and fear. You are part of a family here and it doesn’t matter where you come from, there is a place here for you.

May these products inspire you to go after your dreams, to seek peace and joy in the Lord and to invite Him into your life on a daily basis. We truly cannot live a life of purpose and calling without Him.

 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

You are welcome here, brave friend.

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